Medical Trainings
Nationwide Health consists of a highly educated and respected staff ranging from paramedics to nurses and doctors. As listed on the American Heart Association website, we offer a variety of courses, including BLS for Healthcare Providers, Heartsaver AED, Heartsaver First Aid, CPR certification, ACLS, PALS, Bloodborne Pathogens and First Responder to a large range of companies and establishments.

CPR - First Aid - ACLS - PALS - ECG
Available Trainings
The American Heart Association’s Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course provided through Nationwide Health LLC is designed for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of the hospital. Through the ACLS course, providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim if a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival, the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions, and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation.
ACLS is based on simulated clinical scenarios that encourage active, hands-on participation through learning stations where students will practice essential skills individually, as part of a team, and as team leader. Realistic simulations reinforce the following key concepts: proficiency in basic life support care, recognizing and initiating early management of peri-arrest conditions, managing cardiac arrest, identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and acute coronary syndromes, recognizing other life-threatening clinical situations (such as stroke) and providing initial care, ACLS algorithms, and effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for medical providers such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, respiratory therapists, and other professionals who may respond to a cardiovascular emergency.Card Type: Electronic Course Completion Card
Written/Skills Exam: Required for completion
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) remains the gold standard of education for emergency medical assessment and treatment. Endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians, AMLS emphasizes the use of the AMLS Assessment Pathway, a systematic tool for assessing and managing common medical conditions with urgent accuracy.
In the third edition of AMLS, students learn to recognize and manage common medical crises through realistic case-based scenarios that challenge students to apply their knowledge to highly critical patients. The course emphasizes the use of scene size-up, first impression, history, interactive group discussion on differential diagnosis and potential treatment strategies, and physical exam to systematically rule out and consider possibilities and probabilities in treating patients’ medical crises. The third edition AMLS library of patient simulations offers students an opportunity to apply critical thinking skills to a variety of patient presentations. Additional features include patient simulation monitor images and ECGs provided by iSimulate, to enhance students’ experience.
The course utilizes the AMLS textbook and course manual, and covers the following topics:
- Respiratory disorders
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Shock
- Sepsis
- Neurological disorders
- Endocrine/Metabolic disorders
- Environmental emergencies
- Infectious disease
- Abdominal disorders
- Toxicological emergencies
- Exposure to hazardous materials
The Nationwide Health, LLC BLS Healthcare Provider Course is designed to provide CPR classes to a wide variety of healthcare professionals giving them the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The course is intended for certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed healthcare professionals.
Intended Audience:
Healthcare providers such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, respiratory therapists, physical and occupational therapists, physician’s assistants, residents or fellows, or medical or nursing students in training, aides, medical or nursing assistants, police officers, and other allied health personnel.Card Type: Electronic Course Completion Card
Written/Skills Exam: Required for completion
- About 80 percent of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in private residential settings, so being trained to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can mean the difference between life and death for a loved one.
- Effective bystander CPR, provided immediately after cardiac arrest, can double a victim’s chance of survival.
- CPR helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain and increases the amount of time that an electric shock from a defibrillator can be effective.
- Approximately 95 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital.
- Death from sudden cardiac arrest is not inevitable. If more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved.
- Brain death starts to occur four to six minutes after someone experiences cardiac arrest if no CPR and defibrillation occurs during that time.
- If bystander CPR is not provided, a sudden cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival fall 7 percent to 10 percent for every minute of delay until defibrillation. Few attempts at resuscitation are successful if CPR and defibrillation are not provided within minutes of collapse.
- Coronary heart disease accounts for about 446,000 of the over 864,000 adults who die each year as a result of cardiovascular disease.
- There are 294,851 emergency medical services-treated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually in the United States.
- There are about 138,000 coronary heart disease deaths within one hour of symptom onset each year in the United States.
- Sudden cardiac arrest is most often caused by an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF). Cardiac arrest can also occur after the onset of a heart attack or as a result of electrocution or near-drowning.
- When sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the victim collapses, becomes unresponsive to gentle shaking, stops normal breathing and after two rescue breaths, still isn’t breathing normally, coughing or moving.
This course is specifically designed to address a key knowledge gap in Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Pharmacology, the American Heart Association’s Adult ECG and Pharmacology Course is a program focused on specific ECG recognition skills and drug treatment knowledge. This is a pre-course option for ACLS students and other healthcare providers, and is also for ACLS students who need to improve after the ACLS pre-course self-assesment test.
The course is divided into two modules – one for ECG and one for Pharmacology – which can be taught together or separately, depending on the need. Skills taught in the ECG module include heart anatomy, basic electrophysiology, normal ECG measurements and basic arrhythmias. The Pharmacology module covers basic ACLS drugs and usage; drugs, doses and routes of administration during cardiovascular emergencies; and integrating basic drug pharmacology into ACLS algorithms.
Intended Audience:
This course is for a variety of healthcare providers, including physicians, nurses, paramedics, residents, respiratory therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical pharmacists and ECG technicians.Card Type: ECG Completion Certificate, Pharmacology Completion Certificate or ECG & Pharmacology Completion Certificates
Written/Skills Exam: None required
The American Heart Association “Heartsaver AED Training” Course provided by Nationwide Health LLC includes CPR training, how to properly use the AED defibrillator, relief of choking in adults and children, infant CPR including relief of choking, and the use of barrier devices for all ages. Class agenda includes video instruction, lecture, hands-on with manikins and AED equipment and test.
Intended Audience:
For those who have a duty to respond to a cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements. Industry includes construction, school systems, police departments, restaurants, golf courses, condo security, etc.Card Type: Electronic Course Completion Card
Written/Skills Exam: None required
The American Heart Association “Heartsaver First Aid” Training Course provided by Nationwide Health LLC includes adult first aid that covers the general principles, medical emergencies and injury emergencies and environmental emergencies. Our modular format creates course flexibility and is ideal for learners who prefer group interaction and feedback from an instructor while learning skills.
- Intended Audience: This course is designed for employee training of companies, corporations, business or other entities. It is also for employees and/or designated first responders who have a duty to respond to a first aid emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements.
- Card Type: Heartsaver First Aid Course Completion Card
- Skills Exam: Skills testing with AHA instructor during course required for completion
With child care providers in mind, the American Heart Association designed this pediatric course provided by Nationwide Health LLC to meet the regulatory and credentialed training requirements for child care workers. It contains information on how to manage illnesses and injuries in a child during the first few critical minutes until professional help arrives.
The core course content covers first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies and environmental emergencies. Our pediatric first aid modules can be tailored to meet your needs or regulatory agency requirements. These modules consist of pediatric first aid topics, including eye injuries, fever, suspected abuse, snake, spider, scorpion, tick and marine animal bites and stings, as well and CPR and AED use, and asthma care training for child care providers.
Intended Audience:
This course provides training for those who have a duty to respond to first aid emergencies, such as child care workers, teachers, foster care workers, camp counselors, youth groups, coaches for sports organizations and others.Card Type: Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid Course Completion Card
Skills Exam: Skills testing with AHA instructor during course required for completion
The American Heart Association “Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens” Course provided by Nationwide Health LLC is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction.
The course covers how to protect yourself from exposure, how to act when exposed, how to clean yourself and the area, and how to tell or report any exposure.
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for workplace personnel in settings such as industry and manufacturing, Fortune 1500 companies, occupational health, property management, hospitality, health and fitness staff, childcare workers, school personnel, maintenance workers, tattoo artists, security, and state corrections facilities.Card Type: Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Course Completion Card
Written/Skills Exam: Required for completion
he American Heart Association’s Pediatric Advanced Life Support course provided through Nationwide Health LLC is based on science evidence from the 2005 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The goal of the PALS course is to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes. Skills taught include recognition and treatment of infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest; the systematic approach to pediatric assessment; effective respiratory management; defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion; intraossous access and fluid bolus administration; and effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for pediatricians, emergency physicians, family physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare professionals who initiate and direct advanced life support in pediatric emergencies.Card Type: PALS Course Completion Card
Written/Skills Exam: Required for completion
The following PHTLS courses are offered to address the needs of providers and instructors:
- Provider Course: 16-hour course for EMTs, paramedics, nurses, physician assistants, physicians and other prehospital providers. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as PHTLS providers for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit. This course may be offered as a classroom course, or a hybrid course where students take 8 hours of the course online followed by 8 hours in the classroom.
- Refresher Course: 8-hour classroom course for individuals who have successfully completed the 16-hour PHTLS provider course within the past four years. Current PHTLS provider certificate or wallet card required. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.
- PHTLS for First Responders – PHTLS-FR – Provider Course: PHTLS for First Responders (PHTLS-FR)is an 8-hour classroom course that takes the world-class trauma care content from the 9th edition of PHTLS and delivers it in a style that is relevant to and accessible by first responders, including emergency medical responders (EMR), firefighters, rescue personnel and law enforcement officers. Covering life-saving interventions such as hemorrhage control and airway management, this course teaches critical trauma concepts, demonstrates skills, and walks students through potential patient scenarios. Course materials include a student manual, providing students with access to these important concepts long after the course is over. Upon successful completion of this course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card good for 4 years and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.
- Online PHTLS Module: 8-hour online module that covers the didactic portion of the 16-hour provider course. Upon successful completion of the module, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.
- Instructor Update: 4-hour course for current PHTLS instructors that provides a comprehensive overview of content and features of a new edition of PHTLS. This course is offered in a classroom format in conjunction with EMS World Expo, and subsequently as an online course. This course is required with each new edition of PHTLS to maintain current instructor status.